Help Wanted!

I am going through my closets full of old and new clothes. I have a ton of clothes but just like most ladies, I look in my closet and say I have nothing to wear. So, I will put together outfits and ask for opinions. I need to purge lots of clothing for sure. So, I expect honesty!

Friday, February 24, 2012

How do you like my statuesque pose? 

This sweater has been a big problem for me.  I bought it because I love this pastel blue color.  It is a Jessica Simpson sweater and I didn't even buy it on sale.  Which is truly a big deal for me because I am a bargain shopper.  But I have a hard time wearing it because it seems to fit funny.  Or maybe I am wearing it wrong. I am going to post a few more pictures of it so you can see what I mean. 

It just won't stay in place.  It keeps going up in the front and falling in the back.  What the heck is going on with this sweater???

1 comment:

  1. I have a t-shirt like this. Won't stay put and doesn't look quite right on me. Off to GoodWill I say.
